Friday, March 27, 2020

It's a Ponytail Kinda Day

I have to admit this self-quarantine thing is getting to me a teeny tiny bit. Vince and I have gotten a little snippy with each other a time or two over whose turn it is to make breakfast.

I’m sick of all the provisions in our fridge for sustenance and would love to pick something off a menu that someone else prepares (and, most importantly, cleans up after we’re finished eating).

And who could have predicted that walking the dog for the sixth time would end up being the highlight of my day?

Not me, that’s for sure.

The benefit of staying at home other than a rare trip to the grocery store is that I haven’t felt the need to put on makeup most days. Makes my nighttime cleansing routine a whole lot easier, that’s for sure.

I used to be the person who would never be seen in public without being fully coiffed and made up. I remember my parents used to tease me when we’d vacation at their cottage in Cape Cod because I couldn’t leave to go deep sea fishing until I had applied my waterproof mascara and lip gloss.

Like the cod cared.

And then a couple things happened – 1) I got older and I wasn’t as concerned about my looks, 2) I got married and every once in a while Vince would ask if it could be a “ponytail” kind of day to head out to the stores. This was his shorthand for asking me not to take a shower to wash, dry and style my hair and apply makeup, which would delay us at least another hour.

But, most significantly, 3) happened. Which was we got a dog. And lemme just tell you – ain’t no way I’m getting fully coiffed first thing in the morning to take Maggie Minx on her potty walk.

So I’m not as fastidious as I once was. But I also haven’t turned in my Sephora frequent shopper card either.

Yesterday, my book club met via Zoom. We’re all a bit, uh, older and we didn’t want to tempt the virus gods by meeting in person. We didn’t get as in-depth about the book as we might have under normal circumstances – and we also didn’t get to partake in the yummy treats the hostess planned for the meeting – but I’ve gotta give us props for trying something new.

However, before we started our video group chat, I made sure my hair was fixed and my makeup carefully applied. I’m not sure it mattered because I really couldn’t see anyone else that clearly to know if they had done the same thing. All I knew is that I felt presentable.

So I’m okay with that.

But today it’s back to being a ponytail kinda day. And I’m okay with that, too.
And I’ll be glad once my ponytail kind of days are less standard operating procedure and more every once in a while. Then I’ll know we’ve turned the corner.

So for now, I’m just hoping everyone I know and love is being as socially distant as possible so they can take care of themselves and stay healthy.

Feel free to make it a ponytail kinda day.

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