Sunday, February 2, 2020

Whatta Day!

Today is Sunday, 02/02/2020, apparently a palindrome date not having been seen for about a bajillion (or 900) years. According to Facebook-land, anyway.

On the other hand, if you scroll a little further, someone else will repudiate those claims when they suggest the dates 01/02/2010 or 11/02/2011. Those were certainly not a bajillion (or 900) years ago, though to some of us, they may seem like an eternity ago.

And, yeah, yeah, if you do a search, there IS something about today’s date being a palindrome whether you use the month and then the day or the day and then the month format. But whatever. I just know it’s 02/02/2020.

It’s also Super Bowl Sunday to you sports fans out there. Me? Not so much. I’m on a healthy eating plan right now, so I can’t indulge in beer, pizza, sliders or cheese dip today anyway. 

And I can read the hype on the best commercials tomorrow and watch them in their entirety without having to endure the whole football game to do it.

Apparently, I’m not a big fan of either the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers.

Are you impressed that I at least knew the teams playing in Super Bowl 2020? I am. I only fact-checked after I wrote that sentence so as not to make me look like a football ignoramus.

I’m further impressed with myself that I knew it was Super Bowl LIV…but then because I didn’t know how many years “LIV” represents, I had to retract my arm and stop patting myself on the back. (It is, by the way, 54, if you’re like me and didn’t know.)

But then that begs the question…why are we still using Roman numerals to count Super Bowl games?

So I once again hit up Google. I’d impart that information, but it wasn’t exactly scintillating. In my opinion, of course.

All I do know is that I get a little fuzzy after XXV in Roman numerals, so Google and I are BFFs today.

Oh, and yeah, today is also Groundhog Day, where we’re still relying on a rodent to tell us whether or not we will have six more weeks of harsh winter. 

For a change, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, thus predicting an early spring.

But I choose to believe the groundhog when he predicted spring was on its way. And I didn’t have to wear a top hat or handle a furry rodent to do it.

All I had to do was take Miss Maggie Minx out for a walk this afternoon. Imagine my surprise and delight to find full-on sunshine and blue skies. And it’s currently a downright balmy 61°F.

That’s pretty spring-like for the first Sunday in February in Ohio.

Not that I’ve really been enjoying the day. Mostly I’ve been sleeping. Or trying to. I was only rudely awakened by Maggie yipping in my ear that it was time for a potty break.

Do you sense that undercurrent of grumpiness in my tone? It’s true. I am grumpy. And I do apologize. It’s most likely due to the raging cold I’m currently experiencing.

It has been a while since I’ve had one and I’m not at all happy to be forced to take the sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever so you can rest medicine.

Well, actually, I think it’s just a cold. No fever. But the rest of the jingle? Check, check, check, check aaannnd check.


Last night I was so congested, I was surprised that my sinuses hadn’t blown up my face into a gigantic balloon of snot.

Ooh, sorry. That might’ve just been a little too graphic. Let’s just say I couldn’t breathe. At all. And I was really grumpy.

On the other hand, I’m not dealing with the coronavirus. Otherwise, instead of writing a grumpy blog, the CDC could be whisking me off to quarantine and badgering me with questions about recent travel to China.

So there’s a silver lining.

And I AM happy to see the sun today.

And, really, it’s kind of fun to gather around the big screen to watch a football game with friends and family and indulge in oh-so-good pizza and sliders and cheese dip.

So whichever team you’re rooting for – I hope they win.

I’ll just do everyone a favor and stay home and keep my germs (and my grumpiness) to myself. And if Vince wants to turn on the TV to watch the game, I’m okay with that. Think of how much time I’ll save tomorrow not having to search for the best commercials.

As for the rodent? Well, he’d better be right. He’s no match for a grumpy old lady with a raging head cold.

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