Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Chance Encounter

Yesterday Vince and I would have celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. We probably would have gone somewhere special for dinner and enjoyed a great bottle of wine. And, knowing Vince, he probably would have brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.


We would have talked about how 15 years flew by in a flash, but he would have said something especially sweet to me by telling me he’d loved every minute of it (even those times when we argued about whose turn it was to walk Maggie Minx.)


Instead, I went about my day as if it were just any old Friday in September. I filled up my gas tank and ran my car through the car wash. And I stopped by the library to pick up the September book club book.


As I crossed off items on my To-Do list, I felt a sense of accomplishment because I was being productive. But I missed him. All day long. And I had this sense of sadness because September 6th isn’t really a special day anymore, except in my heart.


My last stop of the day was to go to Kroger to pick up a prescription as well as a few items I’d forgotten the last time I went grocery shopping.


As I was getting out of the car to head into the store, I received a text from a friend who said she’d gotten a reminder notification on her phone – and forwarded a picture of Vince and me on our wedding day.


It was sweet of her to remember and I appreciated it, but again, I felt the sadness start to take over and I even got a little choked up.


Yeah, this is not the sort of thing you want to be experiencing in the middle of the Kroger parking lot on a random Friday in September. 


So I got myself centered a bit and marched determinedly into the store. There’s no crying in Kroger, Jane!


I managed to get everything on my list…well, except for ice. I – once again – forgot the ice. I always remember it as I’m walking into the store, but a person can’t exactly walk around a grocery store with a bag of ice in her cart. It’ll be an expensive bag of slushy water by the time one reaches the checkout line.


Anyway, I finished up and loaded my purchases into the trunk.


After I dropped off the cart in the corral, I turned and headed back towards my car. A woman walking by my car said, “Is this your car and is your name Jane?”


Probably I should have looked it over for dings and dents in case there had been a runaway cart incident while I was in the store – but I answered her and said that, yes, my name is Jane. This, by the way, is not an indication that she was psychic or anything. My name is actually on my license plate.


I almost expected her to tell me her name was Jane as well. Instead, she said, “I just lost my best friend of 50 years this week. And her name was Jane.”


Immediately, I told her how sorry I was to hear it and that I can only imagine how hard it is to lose your best friend. She told me it was unexpected and she was still reeling from the shock and the loss.


“I used to call her Janie,” she said. “Did anyone ever call you Janie?”


Oh, man.


I told her that Vince, my husband, always called me Janie. And that today would have been our 15th wedding anniversary. And then I told her that he’d passed away three years ago and I was kind of sad today.


So we stood there commiserating with each other over the loss of her friend and my husband. And then she asked me if she could give me a hug.


And she did. This perfect stranger and I stood in the middle of the Kroger parking lot and hugged one another.


It was an amazing moment. Because we both needed that little bit of comfort and I think we both felt a little bit better when we separated.


She told me that everyone needs a hug once in a while. And then she wished me a happy anniversary and told me to have a blessed day.


And then she turned and walked into the store.


She never even told me her name.


When I got into my vehicle and started it up, I was feeling that incredible rush from a chance encounter with a stranger. Was that a God wink or a Vince wink, or what?


I felt lighter and happier. And I knew that she was put in my path – and I was put in her path – for a reason.


So Happy 15th Anniversary, my Vince. I forgot to buy myself some flowers. And I didn’t even crack open a bottle of wine. But I’m okay. You know that – right?


And I know it, too. Even if I did forget to buy ice.


Until next time, friends.