I haven’t much enjoyed
looking at Facebook this past week.
So much so that when I
was trying to come up with a topic to discuss today, my mind kept leaning
toward cute baby animals. Like bunnies, maybe. Yeah, I should write something
about bunnies. There’s nothing
controversial about bunnies, is there?
There has been so much
rancor and discord on Facebook (and other social media outlets, too, I’m sure),
that I have had to shut it down at times because I’m so tired of it all!
If you’re against the
recent Supreme Court ruling, you may think I’m going to complain about all the
rainbow-colored profile pictures.
And if you’re for the ruling, you may decide I’m
complaining about all the bible references.
But you’d be wrong on
both counts. You see, my complaint is
that people are so far left or so far right, there is no room to come
together. A little toward the middle,
people – there’s lots of room in here!
There’s nothing wrong
with a little healthy debate. After all, it’s how ideas are formed and opinions
are made. Or maybe solidified. But the
rhetoric I’ve seen on Facebook does nothing to allow the possibility of seeing the
other side.
Has anyone read someone’s
post and said, “Hmmm. I never thought about it that way. I think I’ll change my
Yeah, I sincerely doubt
it. I’ve never seen two people who are
on opposite ends of the opinion spectrum on a topic change their minds after a
But if we are able to
keep an open mind, we may learn a little more tolerance.
I have never personally identified
with the LGBT community because I have never had sexual or romantic feelings
toward a member of my own sex. So I can’t
really understand it. But I know people who are gay and they tell me their lifestyle is not a choice - it's who they are. So who am I to condemn that? And is it my right to pass judgment? I don't think so.
And I truly don’t see how two members of the same sex marrying could possibly harm me in any way.
And I truly don’t see how two members of the same sex marrying could possibly harm me in any way.
When someone argues that
the purpose of marriage is to procreate and propagate the species, I personally
can argue against that.
When my husband and I married,
it was simply because we loved each other.
I was nearly 50 and he was almost 51 and we sure weren’t marrying with
the intention of procreating. Yes, I had
always wanted a child – and thought that I might even have one or two of them
earlier in my life – but it simply wasn’t meant to be. And, believe me, having a child after 50 was
definitely not in the plan!
So should we not have
been allowed to marry?
There are many things
that I don’t personally identify with, but it doesn’t mean I can’t try to
conjure up a little empathy. Everyone in
this life walks a different path.
I mean, I don’t “get”
Caitlyn Jenner, either. But that doesn’t
mean that I can’t support her quest for a little happiness.
To each his own, I
Nothing Caitlyn Jenner
does is bothering me. I don’t watch the Kardashians and I doubt I’ll
watch Jenner's reality show, either. But that’s my choice – I can either be a
viewer or I can switch the channel.
But I don’t have to write
nasty comments all over Facebook about it, either.
By the same token, I don’t
see why those who believe in a higher power and in organized religion are being
condemned these days either.
The beauty of our
freedoms as Americans means that we are allowed to have an opinion. I get that.
And I don’t believe anyone should be muzzled.
But I’d really like it
if people could tone it down. Just a
After all, I believe
there are so many other, more important, issues going on in our world. Like the friend who personally knew one of
the victims of the shooting in Charleston. She is in mourning for her friend right now, as are many, many
people in that community.
There are people in
hospitals fighting for their lives and others who have lost that battle and
their family and friends are now grieving.
And it may sound trivial to some, but I also know a number of people who
have lost a pet recently, too. But to
them, losing a four-legged family member is not a trivial matter.
So it seems to me like
there is a lot of sadness in this world.
And it seems to me that this world
could be a little brighter, a little happier and a lot less stressful if we
were all a little more tolerant of one another.
Yes, that sounds
simplistic. And, no, I don’t have the
answer because I don’t believe there is any one right way to believe and one
wrong way.
And in no way am I attempting
to jump into the fray of controversy.
I just wish that people
could learn to practice a little more tolerance and patience with their fellow
If not, then I’m going to start
writing about cute bunnies from now on. Just